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The Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill passed in parliament yesterday summary and what to expect.
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Welcome to the April edition of the Norfolk Anti-Slavery Network Newsletter.
The Norfolk Anti-Slavery Network (NASN) was invited by Business in The Community (BiTC), one of the Prince's Charities of King Charles III, to present the mutual benefits of partnership working to Norfolk Businesses on Thursday 9th November at Aviva’s Marble Hall. The presentation covered conducting due diligence under mandatory corporate responsibility regarding Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking and achieving responsible business status. Under the lead of Gary Dack, Head of Safeguarding for Norwich City Football Club, the NASN will be building a business sub group over the next few months, giving Norfolk companies access to Police expertise and data, providing regular meetings and opportunities to network to build organisational resilience against this highly complex crime.
Today is Anti-Slavery Day in the UK and the Norfolk Anti-Slavery Network is looking forward to the year ahead with a strong partnership to tackle Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.
269 victims of Modern Slavery were identified in Norfolk between July 2022 to June 2023 in labour exploitation, enforced criminality, domestic servitude and sex trafficking. Joining forces, working in partnership, sharing information and striving together to eliminate the impact of this crime within our communities is the ONE THING that we can all do.
So, today we hereby challenge our partners and communities to DO ONE THING to strengthen their response in tackling modern slavery in Norfolk, which could be any one of the following:
Sign up for our newsletter for the latest data and updates for Norfolk
Join our Network as a partner and take part in our regular strategy meetings
On Anti-Slavery Day commit to DO ONE THING to end Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.